I have decided that this is the year that I am going for it! I am jumping head first. I am going to challenge myself and put myself out there like I never have before! The last few years I have been fiddling around with my camera and this year I have more time and more desire to really follow this path of photography and see where it takes me...
Groupon is my new friend! I was reluctant I will admit... I honestly thought if it was on groupon, I was probably going to get some dry and boring class that I wouldn't get much out of. No offense but I had never used Groupon before and well I think I've been brainwashed to believe you get what you pay for. Well!!! Let me tell you! I learned so much and I had so much fun! I've realized I will grow with experience, and practice, and new people, and different angles, and different perspectives. If you ever get a chance to attend one of these workshops with Fotoscool I highly recommend it. This was a great experience for me and gave me some new knowledge to bring into my progressive workshops with my lovely and talented friend Hope Walls. I am really looking forward to the journey with my camera this year!!!
Awesome! Why did you not invite me?!?!?